Eastside At Olive Springs

Known to Him; Unknown to Us! - Audio



This morning's worship service is our kickoff for our Vacation Bible School this coming week. Our theme for the week is from Isaiah 30:21, "THIS IS THE WAY...WALK IN IT!" You and I are called to walk in a "Journey off the Map," as we go about out daily schedule! We don't know what's ahead! But, you can be sure...GOD DOES! Our task, as believers, is to TRUST HIM no matter what the costs or the circumstances. Listen as we are led by our Pastor and Worship Team as we prepare our hearts for VBS this week. A significant part of the service is our people praying for VBS. As you listen to this service, will you join us in prayer for this week! It's going to be one incredible week because we know YOU are praying for us! May God bless you! And, when you are in Marietta, Georgia, we sure would love to have you at Olive Springs!