Eastside At Olive Springs

"It Is Finished!" "Father, into Your Hands I Entrust My Spirit" - Audio



Dr. Randy complete his sermon series entitled, "The Seven Words of Jesus from the Cross," this morning with the two statements of Jesus found in John 19:30 and Luke 23:46. The redemption process of man, which began before the foundation of the world, has now been completed in Jesus Christ - once and for all! Listen as our pastor shares the meaning of these statement for both then and now. And, listen closely as Pastor Randy shares what he believes Jesus truly shared from the Cross - the Gospel in Seven Words! Before the sermon, listen as our pianist, George Sims, shares the song, "Were You There?," from the piano. You could be listening to other things online, but you have chosen this message from our pastor. We are truly thankful that you are listening! Be sure and share this message with others, too! Thank you!