Eastside At Olive Springs

Where Are You Going? - Audio



Where are you going? God’s not finished with you or me yet! We may have a few years or a few decades. Others may have only a few hours! We don’t know the answer to those questions! But, what matters is what we will do with those remaining days, hours, weeks, years, and/or decades we have left on this earth. Our Senior Pastor shares four things that God does for every person ever born to live on this earth in order to answer this probing question in your life. Today is "Sanctity of Human Life Sunday" in the Southern Baptist Convention. Listen as that theme rings out in the message by Dr. Randy. Be blessed and be challenged in your walk with the Lord as your listen! Thank you so much for taking the time to listen! Allow me to help us understand this question even more by examining four things our Lord shows us He does to every person here this morning as well every man/woman ever created on this earth!