Eastside At Olive Springs

Comfort, Comfort My People! - Audio



With the pen if the prophet Isaiah, God wrote such words of comfort to the people of God in captivity in Babylon through King Nebuchadnezzar. Yet, with Isaiah's words in Chapter 40, the reader must understand that the events he is talking about are as yet to happen! The prophet FORTHTOLD what was about to happen. He was giving God's message to God's people. Such action was not a possibility! IT WAS A FACT! Despite such horror of exile in Babylon, God would never forsake His people. Though Babylon was sent as judgement on their sin and disobedience, God's tender word was COMFORT. The word in Hebrew means just to take a deep breath as you relax in the fact that God is Sovereign - He is in complete control! Oh, how we need to hear that message in these days of the 21st Century! Listen as Dr. Randy shares the context of these words for the believers of Judah during those days as well as the believers at Olive Springs right now! Thank you so much for listening! And, should you believe this message by