Eastside At Olive Springs

They Took Him Down! - Audio



Our main recording system was done this morning - Palm Sunday. Therefore, this recording is done by my phone. In addition to the Palm Sunday emphasis, we also recognized two of our Senior Adult who are moving from Marietta, GA - together Mr. and Mrs. Paul McConnell have served Olive Springs Baptist Church 101 years! God bless you "Mr. Paul" and "Miss Marcele!" We love you both dearly. Listen to the service in its entirety as our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, continues his Easter Series, entitled, "In the Shadow of the Empty Tomb." Palm Sunday's sermon looks at Joseph of Arimathea and his tender love and eternally changed commitment to Jesus Christ to take the body of Jesus off the Cross and prepare it for burial in his personal tomb. What a moment as we stand there in the Empty Tomb looking back to this event at Golgotha! May your heart be touched and changed forever as we watch Jesus be lowered from the Cross.