Eastside At Olive Springs

Great and Mighty is the Lord Our God - Audio



Great and Mighty is the Lord our God! Psalm 147:5 is the theme verse for our Vactation Bible School beginning on Sunday, June 24. Today we preached the message about the meaning of this simple, yet so profound verse and our Director of Children's Ministries, Mrs. Karen Harrison, closed out our service by sharing with our congregation the prayer guide for VBS leading our church body to pray each day for a specific need of VBS as we approach this great outreach event. Will you join us in prayer, too. Later this week (After May 1), this prayer guide will be on the church's website as www.olivesprings.org. Just click on the "Missions" tab and scroll down to VBS. You will see the VBS Prayer Guide in VBS format. God's blessings to each of you!