Run With Coach Parry

How do you figure out what is the right running shoe for you?



TalkFEED — Today’s question comes from Jeanne-Marie GrobelarWith so many brands and styles of running shoes available, how on earth do you know which one is the right one for you? If you would like to read the transcript of this interview, click here. If you have a question you would like us to answer, please feel free to ask it on our brand new forum. We get many questions every through the website that we can’t answer on the podcast, but if you ask it in the forum we will be more than willing to answer it for you there. You can register and ask your question hereor you can visit the forum here.Don’t forget that you can also access this podcast by subscribing to it on iTunes, throughStitcher or on SoundCloud. If you got value out of this content please would you be so kind as to leave us a review and/or a rating on whichever platform you listened to it through, this would really help us help more people just like you! Read more · Free Training Programs