Michelle Ward - Eat My Brunch

Michelle Ward interview with Ted Key & The Kingstons on Eat my Brunch



  Michelle Ward was joined by the incredibly talented trio, TED KEY & THE KINGSTONS. Their current single QUEEN OF ELLA STREET, is on the Phoenix FM A List. A superb live performance in the studio from this talented trio and a delve into the history of the band. The songs are like pieces of art with cracking musical hooks to draw you in and interesting, clever lyrics all topped off with a fantastic vocal. A must see live. Ted Key & The Kingstons are a 3-piece folk/rock band from Kingston upon Hull. Their story-led songs are influenced by dub reggae and punk, and reflect real-life events that have happened to lead vocalist Ted Key. Their new single The Queen of Ella Street is released on 25th January, along with their debut album Raconteur Rock. An in-depth interview with band (Ted Key, Paul Greendale, Nick Harrison) and three live songs.