Erin Burnett Outfront

Bloomberg, Sanders clash going into ex-mayor's first debate as Sanders takes commanding lead in CNN polls; Bloomberg goes into his first debate as allegations of past misogynistic and sexist remarks loom over campaign; CNN poll of Polls show Sanders with



Bloomberg, Sanders clash going into ex-mayor's first debate as Sanders takes commanding lead in CNN polls; CNN Poll of Polls: Sanders takes commanding 12-point lead; Bloomberg about to debate for first time in 11 years as democrats rivals slam him for trying to "buy" election; Sanders: "I don't think we will" release full medical records; Trump: "A lot of anger" If DNC goes against Bernie Sanders; Sanders spokeswoman falsely claims Bloomberg had heart attacks; Dems slam Bloomberg as he makes debate debut tonight; Biden slams Bloomberg for ads that connect ex-mayor to Obama; CNN poll of Polls show Sanders with double-digit lead nationally ahead of crucial Nevada debate and caucuses; Campaign memo suggests Bloomberg is best bet to stop Sanders, but new polls show Sanders winning head-to-head; Bloomberg campaign memo claims Biden, Buttigieg and Klobuchar must drop out or Sanders will win nomination; Biden hits Bloomberg: He's "been a republican his whole life&quo