I Think I'm Gonna Lose It

Episode 7: Pour Some Sucralose On Me



There are lots of sugar substitutes—saccharine, sucralose, aspartame and more. We take a look at the latest surprising (to me) research on these artificial and alternative sweeteners and explore some questions about whether sugar substitutes may actually undermine your health goals. We’ll also talk about how the busyness of life can unravel the best health intentions and share the latest numbers from my health journey. EMAIL: loseitpodcast@gmail.com Twitter: @LoseItPodcast Dana on Instagram: @dtofig SOURCES: No Evidence of Sugar Substitutes’ Health Benefits (The Guardian), January 2, 2019: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/jan/02/no-evidence-of-sugar-substitutes-health-benefits-finds-study Why Zero Calorie Sweeteners Can Still Lead to Diabetes, Obesity (Science Daily), April 23, 2018: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/04/180423085440.htm Artificial Sweeteners: Sugar-free, But At What Cost? (Harvard Medical School blog), July 16, 2012: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/artificial-swee