Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #16: How to tell people you don’t drink... even when they keep asking



Many people have been in situations when they have to be around their old people, places and things. And, just because we quit drinking or using doesn’t mean the world should stop. So what should we do when someone offers us a drink or invites us out to an event where there will be alcohol? What about when you start a new job or meet someone for the first time, how do you address the “drink” question then? It can be easy if you’re prepared. I found it best to say “I’m allergic”. If you want to be funny you can say “I break out in hand cuffs”... as my wife would say, “I’m the only one who thinks thats funny”! If your new you can say , “I’m allergic... I’ve been breaking out into a bit of a rash when I drink so the doctor told me to stop for a while”. Or if you’ve been sober a while you can just say, “I’m allergic and don’t drink... do you have something else”? I’ve found the best thing is to answer the question and move on quickly as if to change the subject. Now, the absolute best thing to do is prepare to go