Becoming Catholic Podcast - St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center

An Introduction to the Sacraments and the Sacrament of Marriage



Matt’s keynote presentations: Sacraments & MarriageCynthia had a great question about NFP and the difference between NFP and contraception when it comes to preventing pregnancy. Here is an article I wrote a long time again about the distinction. I hope it helps!I know we did not get to the end of the class when I talk about prayer practices and homework but want to give it now as a way to continue the conversation over the next week! :-)Prayer Practice: Ephesians 5:21-33- Ask Yourself While Praying: What would need to happen to make this passage something desirable? What would the man need to be like? What would the woman need to be like? How would the relationship need to look like?Homework- Think of one person in your life that you have a tendency to put in a box (i.e. acts this way and that way all the time). Pray to Jesus for the grace to see them as He sees them: As a person to be continuously pursued as a gift to be discovered.- Then do one thing each day to learn more about this person to prevent n