Becoming Catholic Podcast - St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center

Something About Mary



Matt’s keynote presentations: MaryClass Homework: Read about one approved apparition by the Catholic Church for at least 20 minutes (wiki “Marian Apparitions”).Prayer Practice: Luke 1.46-55Additional Resources:- Catholic Catechism of the Catholic Church, Paragraphs 963-975, 946-962.- Theology and Sanity by Frank Sheed, Pages 231-246, 319-326.- Hail Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God by Scott Hahn.- Rethinking Mary in the New Testament: What the Bible Tells Us about the Mother of the Messiah by Ted SriAbout Mary's Response to Gabriel that she doesn't have a husband: Josh brought up a great question about how Mary's response does not make sense if I'm proposing that Mary is confused because she had made a vow of celibacy in the context of marriage. After all, she is confused because she doesn't have a husband according to Mary. I did a little research and this is what I found:- The greek word is "ginosko" which means "to know" not "to have". The literal translation is "I do not know a husband/man.