Better Podcast

Mogard's Dating Story: Partnering in purpose, not in search of purpose



This is the conversation I've always wanted to have with Mo & Emily. On a late summer night in Iowa, after the kids have all gone to bed, we tucked into their family couch and talked about dating, sex and marriage. I fully embraced the  child-like wonder in me, and attempted to ask questions without giggling too hard. It has taken me 5 years of friendship to get comfortable enough to hear these stories for the first time, and it was a blast. We dove into the purpose of dating, the sustenance of romance amidst raising children, and how not to be consumed by your identity in one another. For anyone who knows me, Mo & Emily are basically my adopted parents; I've defaulted to them on many accounts, and can always trust them to guide me according to the Word of God. This episode is potentially more precious to me than anyone else in the world, but I'm not mad about it. Eavesdroppers, you are so welcome here.