Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Four Steps to Get "Unstuck" and Reach Your Goals



We are all susceptible to mental resistance that holds us back but believe it or not this resistance is actually designed to keep you safe. This is because the brain loves and seeks what is familiar. If you feel stuck and have noticed it’s so incredibly hard to change, in this episode I talk about why this happens and what's worked for me to move through it.  More of a reader or want to share with a friend? Here's the 4 steps laid out here: https://hannahholladay.com/4-ways-to-get-unstuck-and-reach-your-goals/ Do you need support getting "unstuck"? Email me at hholladay@gmail.com to set up a free discovery call where we can move through some of the stuck energy to get you closer to your goals.  Follow me on Instagram and TikTok @hanholla for daily tips to get you out of your mind and into your heart at https://www.instagram.com/hannahlholladay/