Raising With Lisa Clark's Podcast

Episode 27 : Do You Have a Fundraising Mindset?



Over the last few months, there's been a lot of talk about abundance, whether there's enough money to support your organization, and growth mindset. There’s a lot of fear around fundraising and whether of now you’ll “make it”. I thought today I’d discuss this topic and see if we can get over the hurdles you're facing mentally. Let me Introduce Myself Hi! I'm Lisa Clark and I help nonprofits and fundraisers like YOU raise money through events so you can meet your annual revenue goals! I'm also the host of a free Facebook Group, Raising with Lisa Clark, a free group for fundraisers, NPOs, development team members, volunteers, and supporters. I included a link below so you can request to join right away!   Link to Join Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/112148672944584/   Do you have a Fixed or Growth Mindset? There’s a book called “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” written by Carol Dweck that discusses this in depth. She’s known as a mindset guru and her teachings have been implemented in pub