Raising With Lisa Clark's Podcast

Episode 16 What Questions to Ask in A Post Event Survey



Please let me introduce myself!   Hi! I'm Lisa Clark and I help nonprofits and fundraisers like YOU raise money through events so you can meet your annual revenue goals! I'm also the host of a free Facebook Group, Raising with Lisa Clark, a free group for fundraisers, NPOs, development team members, volunteers, and supporters. I included a link below so you can request to join right away!   Link to Join Facebook Group:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/112148672944584/     What are some great indicators you’re hosting a successful event?  Well, there are many things that you could be doing right and there are things you should never do again.  While at the event you’re likely to hear positive feedback from your guests and hear things like “The food is so good” or “l love the centerpieces.”   You might also witness smiles, laughter, groups of people chatting and engaging with each other. But, I’m not sure you’ll hear about what could be improved upon that night at the event.     Speaking of places to host min