Raising With Lisa Clark's Podcast

Episode 13 Is Planning An Auction Really That Hard



  Before I dig into auctions and why I think they’re not something you should consider doing unless you can answer yes to a few questions, please let me introduce myself!   Hi! I'm Lisa Clark and I help nonprofits and fundraisers like YOU raise money through events so you can meet your annual revenue goals! I'm also the host of a free Facebook Group, Raising with Lisa Clark, a free group for fundraisers, NPOs, development team members, volunteers, and supporters. I included a link below so you can request to join right away!   Link to Join Facebook Group:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/112148672944584/   If you’ve ever planned an auction you can sympathize with me and the others and admit that it takes a village to plan a good one!  There are so many things that need to get done including marketing the auction, marketing the event, planning the event, fundraising at the event, awareness building and so on and so forth.  I can see why nonprofits shy away from hosting one. I get it!   Speaking of event plan