Raising With Lisa Clark's Podcast

Episode 9 : Should You Host Two Fundraising Events In One Fiscal Year



I know that trying to come up with different ways to create a new revenue stream can be challenging. And, I also know that adding an additional fundraising event to your already busy schedule can make you lose sleep at night and have you chewing off your fingernails. But, I have 5 important key points for your to consider before you secure the venue for a second event. Before I get into the reasons, I want to make sure you’ve picked up my FREE mini checklist on how to create a pipeline of new donors for your next big fundraiser. If you haven’t already grabbed it, the link will be in this post! So back to the issue at hand. Should you ramp up for a second fundraiser? Here are the five key points to help you decide if you and your organization are indeed ready for this challenge. I encourage you to watch the video as I provide more details and stories to help you in your decision making! There’s a Hole in Your Fiscal Year (FY)? What does that mean? It means that you might do a lot of activities the first part