Local Diaspora

Ruha Benjamin, Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code



HELLO! It's great to be back! In this episode I interview Professor Ruha Benjamin on her book Race After Technology. Tune in to hear about the intersection of race, inequality and technology-- some scary stuff but Ruha Benjamin breaks it down in a way that will leave you feeling empowered!!If you've ever wondered: "Are Robots Racist?" I've got the answer for you! -- Also, if you wish to borrow my copy of the book let me know! Thank you all for the patience and love, wash your hands! For comments, questions or concerned (within reason) hit me up IG @PopularEducationRadio or email me at PopularEducationRadio@gmail.com "I am an Associate Professor in the Department of African American Studies at Princeton University where I study the social dimensions of science, technology, and medicine, race and citizenship, knowledge and power. I am also the founder of the JUST DATA Lab, and a Faculty Associate in the Center for Information Technology Policy, Program on History of Science, Center for Heal