Becoming Catholic Podcast - St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center

An Introduction to Morality



Matt’s keynote presentation: MoralitySmall-Group Questions to Reflect Upon- What would a world look like with no freedom to sin?- What virtue, spiritual gift/fruit do you desire most and why?- What is one thing you could do in the next 30 days to expand your capacity in acquiring a particular virtue, spiritual gift/fruit?Prayer Practice: Pray with 1 Corinthians 13Practice the Examen This Week Again by Reflecting upon your day and asking these questions:- How have I fulfilled this command today? Thank God! - Where have I failed this call? Ask God for forgiveness and healing. - Ask God for help making tomorrow a better day.Homework: Obtain a liturgical calendar to begin living your life by Memorize:- Cardinal Virtues- Theological Virtues- Gifts of Holy Spirit- Fruits of Holy Spirit- Seven Deadly SinsAdditional Resources- Catholic Catechism of the Catholic Church, Paragraphs 1691-2051.- An Introduction to Moral Theology by William May- After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyreLive near Boulder, Colorado? Sign up with t