Red Jokers: A Faux Shaux

Episode 16: Mind the Moustache Brother!



The four holmies are back at long last! I'm a bit quiet for most of the episode, but hey, nobody's perfect! We are also joined by the powerful David Leonard who got time off from the guild barracks this side of the breach so that he could come on down and talk some shite. This episode we catch up on old times, deliver some serious fluff for a few of your favourite (or soon to be favourite) minions, and cover the man himself... Von SCHILL. Can you feel it BROTHERS?! If you like the cut of our Jib why not write in to us at or send us some pics of your sweet painted crews on our BookFace page - Red Jokers: A Faux Shaux?? Join the Malifaux revolution or I will personally come over your house and jack-knife powerbomb your lilly arse for 2 damage. Ignoring armour brothers. Music on this episode: Wax Tailor - Say Yes Instrumental And in honour of our brother Chris Cornell Sound Garden - Blackhole Sun Sound Garden - Gun