Therapy And Tech With Jessica Bullock

"Cybersecurity Basics: Protect your Info!" with Rebecca Resendes



Rebecca Resendes, CIAPP, has extensive experience helping all levels of executives in healthcare, academic, and financial business sectors protect personal information entrusted to them. She is a quick study on what is needed for workflow efficiency improvement and her advanced networking, superhuman research, and professional problem-solving skills are the keys to her compliance success. In 2019, Rebecca ditched her comfy government job at a public health authority in pursuit of career freedom. Her goal is to help clinicians and entrepreneurs embrace innovative business solutions designed to protect personal information. She does this by providing information privacy consulting services to the everyday working person with a heart focused on community, accountability, and gratitude. Rebecca is also a freelance writer and influencer on LinkedIn. If you want to learn more about her, please connect with her on LinkedIn and follow her daily, entertaining content. Also feel free to visit her boutique privacy consu