Jessie Lee Is The Peoples Mentor

0091 Get UP When You’re Down. The Rise of BK. Ft. BK Boreyko & #BOSSLEE



One of the kindest men I’ve met in my MLM career who has been nothing but supportive of me through everything EVEN WHEN he was probably as close to broken as a human can get, I cannot wait to introduce you to BK. CEO of BodePro and Vemma, he has gone through the darkness more than almost anyone I can think of as his company was shut down by the FTC then re-opened after they destroyed it, he became a single father to 6 babies including 2 sets of twins, a crazy divorce and so much more. His LIGHT shines through all of it and his energy is contagious. Know this too shall always pass, and his turn into his faith when everything was spinning out of control should inspire all of you. You can find him on Instagram @bkboreyko check out his company (the skincare rocks) at and make sure you leave a review and subscribe! I love you all! Connect with me Check out my #1 MLM podcast Subscribe for free content Follow m