Right In Dc

Fighting Terrorism with Concealed Carry



Concealed-carry laws are a proven strategy that strengthens law-abiding citizens’ ability to carry concealed weapons and dramatically increases the risk of failure of terrorists or political attackers like Antifa. The attackers will have no way to predict who or how many private gun owners are in the crowd and ready to respond with deadly self-defense. In this episode, I make the case for concealed carry to stop terrorists. Watch this episode on Gayle's YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/nxJM8mADvKU More Info and References: https://gayletrotter.com/fighting-terrorism-with-concealed-carry ———- Follow Gayle Trotter– TWITTER: @GayleTrotter FACEBOOK: facebook.com/gayle.s.trotter INSTAGRAM: @gayle_trotter Watch the video of Gayle’s show on her YouTube Channel: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Listen to The Gayle Trotter Show on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Google Play, TuneIn, Stitcher Support: patreon.com/gayletrotter Voice-Over Artist: Rick Regan: voice123.com/rickregan/