Right In Dc

When Iran Targeted a DC Restaurant



The threat from Iran to our homeland is not new. In 2011, Iran plotted to commit a terrorist bombing attack to kill an ambassador at a high-end restaurant in Washington, DC where many politicians and celebrities dine. Fortunately the plot was thwarted, but former Defense Secretary Gen. Mattis considered it an act of war on American soil. Standing outside this restaurant in the Georgetown area of DC, I tell the story of the plot and its implications. More Links/Reference: https://gayletrotter.com/when-iran-targeted-a-dc-restaurant/ Watch this podcast on Gayle's YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/g0RieZLZ_gM --- Follow Gayle Trotter– TWITTER: @GayleTrotter FACEBOOK: facebook.com/gayle.s.trotter INSTAGRAM: @gayle_trotter Watch the video of Gayle’s show on her YouTube Channel: youtube.com/gayletrotterrightindc Listen to The Gayle Trotter Show on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Google Play, TuneIn, Stitcher Support: patreon.com/gayletrotter Voice-Over Artist: Rick Regan: voice123.com/rickregan/