Right In Dc

What's happening to gun rights in Virginia?



The Democrats have taken over the state legislature and have made big plans to highly restrict the rights of gun owners. Second amendment sanctuary counties and cities are spreading through the state in response. What happens in Virginia could have big implications for the rest of the country. In this episode of The Gayle Trotter Show: RIGHT IN DC, Gayle takes a deep dive look into this issue and why restricting gun rights is a really bad idea. Mentioned: Virginia Citizens Defense League rally at 11 am in Richmond, VA on January 20, 2020: https://www.vcdl.org/event-3647199 https://gayletrotter.com/gayle-trotters-full-senate-hearing-testimony-america-gun-violence/ Watch Testimony: https://youtu.be/qRTOPYl1rWU Degrading Scientific Standards to Get the Defensive Gun Use Estimate Down, by Gary Kleck (PDF) https://www.saf.org/wp-content/uploads/journals/JFPP11.pdf ---------- Follow Gayle Trotter-- WEBSITE: GayleTrotter.com TWITTER: @GayleTrotter FACEBOOK: facebook.com/gayle.s.trotter INSTAGRAM: @gayle_trott