Right In Dc

The REAL Higher Ed Scandal: New Report Proves Federal Student Loans Make College More Expensive



Today on RIGHT IN DC, I interviewed Adam Andrzejewski, the CEO & Founder of OpenTheBooks.com – one of the largest private databases of government spending in the world. They just released an explosive new oversight report on the US Department of Education that far out shadows the recent pay to play scandal. This report looks at federally-funded (by taxpayers!) student loans and the effect this has on college tuition, how colleges from the elite wealthy ones down to the questionable and low-performing ones take unfair advantage to game the public subsidies that drive up tuition rates faster than housing, food and healthcare, and how this ends up saddling students with incredible debt they struggle to repay. Adam provides three bipartisan reform solutions that will help to start fix these serious problems of our higher education system. Open The Books Oversight Report – The U.S. Department of Education https://www.openthebooks.com/openthebooks_oversight_report_%E2%80%93_the_us_department_of_education/ Seve