Right In Dc

Interview with Mary Kate Cary: Bush 41, William Barr



My guest today on RIGHT IN DC is Mary Kate Cary. She’s a dear friend of mine and also lives in Washington, DC. She is a graduate of the University of Virginia, as am I. Mary Kate is a senior fellow at the UVA Miller Center, a former speechwriter for President George H.W. Bush, and is also a political commentator. She is the Executive Producer of the documentary “41 on 41” (President George H.W. Bush was President #41) which I had the honor to see at its premier. Mary Kate is an expert on Presidential communications and speech writing. • Surprising fact about NPR • Her time with President Bush and writing speeches for him • What happened around the Bush funeral • How she started working for William Barr and what he's like • Her testimony before Congress for Barr (https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/download/cary-testimony) • Her thoughts about the problems of Virginia Governor Northam and his press conference • Her advice to President Trump concerning his SOTU address MORE: http://marykatecary.com https:/