Right In Dc

Interview with Andrew McCarthy on Manafort, Mueller and the Farce Investigation



On RIGHT IN DC today, I'm so excited that my guest is my good friend Andy McCarthy. I'm sure you'v seen him all over the Internet. He is a senior fellow at the National Review Institute, he's a contributing editor at National Review, he's also a best-selling author and he's a Fox News contributor. You might not know this about him but he's a former Chief Assistant US Attorney in the Southern District of New York and led the terrorism prosecution against the Blind Sheikh and 11 other jihadis that bombed the World Trade Center in 1993. I first came to know about Andy through his involvement in that prosecution and he's written about it in "Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad." I recommend that book for anyone who's interested in the ongoing issues we have with the threats from radical Islam. In my interview with Andy, we talk about: • How he is able to produce such excellent, logical, evidence-based work as a writer • The Robert Mueller team going to the judge saying the plea deal with Manafort is off