Right In Dc

Interview with Matt K. Lewis: Saving Conservatism



My guest today on RIGHT IN DC is Matt K. Lewis, senior columnist for the Daily Beast, a CNN political commentator and author of the book, “Too Dumb to Fail: How the GOP Went from the Party of Reagan to the Party of Trump” (Hachette Books, 2016). Our discussion includes: • Why he thinks his book is ahead of the curve • The main thesis of the book • His autopsy on the midterms • Why he cares about the Republican party • The dangers of policing his own side • Why he wants to save conservatism • Why 9/11 awakened/created many new conservatives, like the Tea Party, but they lacked the intellectual knowledge of the conservative movement • Pamela Geller as an example of the zealotry of the new convert • The October 2013 shutdown of the government by Sen. Ted Cruz supported by the Tea Party • How and why President Reagan was rooted in conservative philosophy, was a deep knowledgeable thinker, yet why he purposely wanted to be underestimated • Why politicians no longer cultivate friendships with people on the other