Erin Burnett Outfront

Trump refuses to take questions after he dangerously floats using disinfectant as a Coronavirus treatment, Georgia reopens salons, gyms, bowling alleys, tattoo parlors as the state death toll rises, FDA chief on defensive as congress slams agency for allo



Trump falsely claims he was being "sarcastic" when he talked about injecting disinfectant to kill Coronavirus, LA county health director on Trump's disinfectant comment: "people die from ingesting some of these products", LA County health director: if Trump was being sarcastic about using disinfectant, "it doesn't really matter", Dr. Birx absent from White House briefing as her reaction to Trump's comment about using disinfectant as a treatment goes viral, some states begin to reopen despite warnings and a rising U.S. death toll that has already topped 51,000, congressman fears people are buying "faulty" antibody tests that could lead to "dangerous life decisions", house subcommittee report: lack of FDA enforcement allowed antibody testing manufacturers to make fraudulent claims, Oxford has started human trials of its coronavirus vaccine, Biden thinks Trump will try to delay the presidential election via Knit