ACTNext | Navigator

Talking AI/ML and Deep Learning



How is ACTNext using AI and ML to transform the learning, measurement, and navigation landscape? In this episode of the Navigator podcast, we discuss some of the artificial intelligence (AI) timeline, past, present and future, with Saad Khan , director of AI and machine learning for ACTNext. We discuss "black box" perceptions of AI research and we'll learn a little about how the AI/ML team is using deep learning to create new tools for measurement and learning. A transcript is available at: ‎ This episode is brought to you by Sphinx! Are you looking for automated passage generation? Sphinx encodes text data to automate summarization, sentence recommendation, paraphrasing and more. Sphinx, the natural language processor for creating English passages quickly. Find out more about Sphinx at The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or positio