Radio Cota

Radio COTA #86: Resolving The New Year



Welcome back everyone to our very first Radio COTA Podcast for 2018, we’ve called it, “Resolving The New Year”. Every time a New Year rolls around, many of us think about making a New Years’ Resolution or two, (or more). We usually dust off the same old standards that we wheel out every year, vowing to do the things we should be doing, promising to stop doing the things we shouldn’t be doing .. you know how it goes .. But for many, the New Year prompts us to think about Retirement. After all, it’s another year closer for those of us yet to transition into this important life-stage, and another year further into it for those of us who already have. In this weeks’ Radio COTA episode, we have a good hard look at what we need to be doing in preparation for what can be, quite frankly, more than a third of our lives ! We examine some of the practical and financial implications of retirement in all areas of our life, from being able to happily age in place, to affording that holiday we’ve always wanted, plus a wh