Radio Cota

Radio COTA #73: Beating the Scammers



In this week’s Radio COTA Podcast # 73, we bring you Part 1 of our “Beating the Scammers” Special ! It’s a detailed look at how Australians, and in particular OLDER Australians, are being targeted by these insidious scams. At a time when many are losing their life savings, their identities, their trust and so much more at the hands of these unscrupulous criminals, it’s timely for us to have a look at the frightening statistics that indicate just how BIG an issue this really is for ALL of us. In Part 1 this week, we look at what these scams are, and how they work. Next week in Part 2, we’ll show you how to recognise the scams, and mostly importantly, how to AVOID them ! … Should you unwittingly have become a victim of a scam, we’ll explain how to report it, and what can be done to rectify your situation. So, make yourself a cuppa, put your feet up, and enjoy all that Radio COTA brings to you .. Please send us your feedback and suggestions, we'd love to hear from you ... Email us at ...