Radio Cota

Radio COTA #56: Human Rights, Part 2- Aimee McVeigh



Talking Human Rights! Radio COTA has released a special three-part series on Human Rights. Listen in to hear insights, opinions, and changes to Human Rights in Queensland. Podcast #55 – Graeme Innes, ex Disability Discrimination Commissioner; Podcast #56 – Aimee McVeigh, Human Rights Lawyer - Aimee is an experienced lawyer who has worked across private, non-government and community sectors internationally and in Australia. Podcast #57 – Alastair McEwin, Disability Discrimination Commissioner. We provide information on Disability Law Queensland, the Government’s commitment to fund the full cost of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, the Broadband for Seniors program, and ‘CULTURA’, a new resource for aged care staff working with people from culturally diverse backgrounds! So, grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and enjoy the latest from Radio COTA! We value your feedback and look forward to hearing more topic suggestions and ideas - contact us at