Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Healing Unworthiness With Your Inner Child



Connecting with your inner child is one of the most healing and powerful practices you can do for yourself. Your inner child holds so many answers you may be looking for. Most of our programming and belief systems are built from our childhood and at the root of it a lot of us were programmed to think we were not worthy or lovable. This programming can come out through a myriad of ways but in a way in results in us not living our truth and seeing our own value. When we tap into our inner child and send him or her love, we begin to heal these aspects of us. This relationship supports us in healing but also raising our vibration in a massive way.   Do this meditation daily for a month to really develop a relationship and get to know what your inner child is in need of. You will unlock so many things within yourself by doing this!   Follow me on Instagram for more https://www.instagram.com/hannahlholladay/   Email me to book a session or to see how to work together at hholladay@gmail.com