Monastery Of St. Gertrude's Podcast

Sister Placida: Isolation



  For many around the world, the uncertainty surrounding Covid-19 has brought about a wide range of emotions from grief, to confusion, fear, and anger. Even those that feel reenergized from voluntarily time in solitude have been upended by the forced isolation.    I spoke with Sister Placida last week who has had the opportunity to take a voluntary year of solitude away from the monastery community. Despite having a different catalyst for her time alone, she experienced many of the same struggles we are going through today and offers great insight into how to continue moving through these challenging times.   Please forgive us for the less-than-amazing audio quality as social distancing measures prohibited our usual recording setup. This was recorded from a phone conversation, and I’m very much looking forward to being able to visit again in person to record more of Sister Placida’s stories from her time in the hermitage. For now, I hope that this conversation can be useful to you and that maybe some of the t