Theberrycast By Adam Berry

Fitness As You Age with Susan Niebergall



On today's episode I get to chat with Susan Niebergall, of Susan Niebergall Fitness.  She is an Online Coach based in the US and is one of Jordan Syatts Inner Circle Coaches.  Susan is crushing it in her own fitness, and she turns 60 next month! Which is truly remarkable.  She can lift heavy, she deadlifts, and as I say in the Episode, she is the epitome of the phrase "Fitness for all" I really hope you enjoy the episdoe.   To find out more about Susan you can head to here website here: Or follow her on Instagram: If you want to Join The Fitness Collective, my Members Only Group for Clients, and you can receive a whole bundle of joy each month in terms of Workouts, Recipes, Q and As, Articles, Coaching Wisdom and much much more then please head here to find out more: