Kettlebrook West Bend

Gospel Narrative, 1 Corinthians 15:1-8



Questions for Discussion / Reflection 1. Have you ever been held hostage by someone who had a Jesus agenda? How did that feel? 2. What keeps you from naturally, normally talking about Jesus with others? 3. If someone were to ask you “what is the gospel?” how would you reply? 4. Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-8. What, according to Paul, are the elements of the gospel? Why do you think it is important that he includes the phrase “according to the scriptures” twice? 5. What did Mike say are the five movements of God’s Story? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? 6. Read Acts 13:13-39 and Acts 17:16:34. How are these two gospel presentations different? Why do you suppose that is? What is similar about them? 7. This week, see if you can go through the five movements of God’s story on your own and pray that God would give you an opportunity to appropriately share with someone in the next month.