Divine Downloads

Ep. 64- Creating A Cleaner And Greener Planet with Kathryn Ford Richter, The Solar RN



Who better than a registered nurse to educate on important environmental issues? Have you ever stopped to consider what type of impact your daily choices have on your community, much less the entire planet? I’m certain that Covid 19 has forced you to change how you live and hopefully has caused you to reflect on how you want to LIVE going forward. So many disruptions have occurred as well as many inconveniences, all the things we have taken for granted we are learning to cultivate gratitude for. I believe the only way through this is together and the more individuals can consider the planet and their communities when making decisions, the better off we will all be. Whether you have considered public health and the environment as important endeavors up until now is irrelevant. If you weren’t aware, Covid 19 is a massive wake up call from the planet! If you can’t tell, she is begging for our attention and demanding we change our ways in order to live in safety and harmony on this beautiful Earth. Our