Catechesis With Pope Francis

Year of Faith -4- He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead -Catechesis with Papa Francisco - Totus2us



Pope Francis in the Year of Faith: "Firstly let us remember that, with the Ascension, the Son of God brought to the Father our humanity assumed by Him and wants to attract everyone to himself, to call the whole world to be welcomed into God's open arms, so that at the end of history the whole of reality may be consigned to the Father. There is, however, this “immediate time” between the first coming of Christ and the last, which is precisely the time that we are living. In this context of the “immediate time" is placed the parable of the ten virgins (cf Mt 25, 1-13). It is about ten girls who are awaiting the arrival of the Bridegroom, but he is late and they fall asleep. At the sudden announcement that the Bridegroom is arriving, they all prepare to welcome him, but while five of them, who are wise, have oil to fuel their own lamps, the others, who are foolish, are there with their lamps extinguished because they have no oil; and while they are searching for some the Bridegroom arrives and the foolish virgin