Sound Effect

Transmission No. 2: Sound Effect, Episode 208



We have all been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in our own ways. And the Sound Effect team has been doing our best to cover it in a podcast called Transmission. Today on Sound Effect, we share some more stories that have stood out to us from the series. First, we’ll meet a couple of engineers who repurposed an invention to stop people from touching their faces. Then, we learn how doctors have had to learn on the fly about the insidious nature of the novel coronavirus. We hear how one mother and son are finding moments of happiness in the face of the darker days. One of the champions of Washington’s Death with Dignity law helps us confront our own mortality. A Seattle writer urges people to get their you-know-what together , by preparing for unexpected tragedy. We learn about laughter as therapy from Tita Begashaw. We hear a story from a virtual storytelling event, Quarantine Connection. And finally, host Gabriel Spitzer has a moment of meditation. Be sure to subscribe to both our