Trench Talk With Matt Reynolds

#069: Judy & Eriks Celmins | Engage4Insights



Judy Celmins is the Marketing Director and Eriks Celmins is the CEO of Engage4Insights, a New Zealand based research and innovation company which helps businesses engage with and to better understand their audiences (including their customers and employees) in order to drive better decisions and outcomes. Judy is a born marketer who loves building relationships with people and understanding why they buy. She has spent her career experimenting with different techniques to engage with customers, learn more about their unmet needs and how to serve them better. Judy learned the more she could add value, the more engaged they became. Eriks background is in radio as an on-air host so his job was too grab the audiences attention quickly and to keep them listening for as long as possible. In the radio business, listeners equals ad revenue and Eriks figured out pretty quickly that engaging with your audience is the best way to get to know them better, and the better you know them, the easier it is to keep them enterta