Toy Power Podcast

#172: It was Eric from Toy Island with the sewing kit!



Today on the Toy Power Podcast, the lads delve back into some of the listener questions – and somehow they seem to get harder! (That’s what she said (Sorry, watching a lot of The Office at the moment)) What are some of our holy grails and what are the factors that push us over the edge, price, seeing it upclose, planets aligning – and yes, Trent tells the Blank story, just one more time! Does the Ben Squeal make another appearance? Can sowing lessons save Frank money? Patreon Trenton’s loss is someone elses gain! Which of fave properties is in desperate need of a reboot? Then it’s decision time: banish a line from your collection. Darren’s choice, begs some questions… Speaking of, Darren plays quiz master in a return of the Toy Power Quiz. It’s all about some of his fave properties. And dates. Lots of committed-to-memory-dates. We round it out with some dream future picks in the growing NECA Turtles army… Support the show.