Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep37 - The "King of Beards" with Special Guest Brian Regal



Join Rocco as his two cohorts, Jurassic Jen, and Sarah Sunshine oogle over another Special Guest! And they say Rocco hits on all the guests! Rocco's buddy from Boston, Actor Brian Regal is in studio and throwing on that thick Boston accent, causing the girls to get out of control. Brian and Rocco catch up and talk about there time working together on "Conan" last season. They were both in a sketch called "DoucheCon" where they played Italian Douchebags! Brian talks to the cast about training with Celerity Trainer Mike Ryan(link included) who has the best bicep workout for actors. He also tells the world about his upcoming music video with Darren Hart, and working with Dylan Marko Bell who Directed HARTS 'Peculiar' (www.hartsmusic.com). Brian discusses growing up in Dorchester getting into acting, and the way Mark Wahlberg paved the way, showing that you can be successful coming from the mean streets of Dorchester Massachusetts. We have Brian's Construction worker Head Shot on our website for all you ladies to