Cannabis Curriculum

Good Samaritan Policies



Talking with SSDP members from the University of California Davis and Virginia Commonwealth University about good samaritan policies. Good Samaritan Policies, also known as medical amnesty, are life saving measures that enable people to make responsible decisions by sheilding them from punishment when they call for medical help during an emergency relating to alcohol or other drugs. More than 250 college/universities and over 25 states with some form of Good Samaritan policies. How did you first learn about GSP and what made you want to be a part of the growth? - Introduced freshman year and witnessed first hand the measures students went through to keep themselves save from overdosing and safe from the consequences of the law. What were the initial reaction from the students on campus when you talked to them about doing a campaign to better reform drug policies? - They were supportive but there was much fear, apprehension and uncertainty about what would happen to them as individuals. (housing, studen