The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 100: The 411 - Bachie Live Recap + 100th Ep and 6th Birthday Party



On EP 100: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia have a touch base about what the rest of the world is talking about. This week is our fourth Bachie Live Event at The Sheaf in Double Bay, but also our 100th episode! Woo! Plus we celebrate the 6th birthday of The Thinkergirls! 3:42 - Bullying and our attitude towards it; has it changed and how is it reflected in this season of Bachie?6:00 - Unreal or The Bachelor?! Which show are we watching this season??6:55 - The Bachie swimming carnival - Stace is not a fan and Kristie is concerned by the swimwear choices.10:00 - Nick and Emily's date; did it show that Nick is uncomfortable when he's not in control?11:03 - Brooke. She obvs has this in the bag! She and Nick are similar to Stace and Ben in the early days.17:08 - Romy is worse than Cat in Kristie's opinion.21:03 - Has our tolerance for bullying changed? 22:30 - "Diamond in the rough" is not a complim