The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 97: The 411 - Bachie Recap LIVE with Tim Dormer



On EP 97: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia have a touch base about what the rest of the world is talking about. This week is our third Bachie Live event! We watch episode 6 with you posse, and break it down with special guest; Tim Dormer!2:20 - The Honey Badger’s facial hair sicho 2:33 - Stace thinks Honey Badger is a boy, not a man. What makes a dude a real ‘man?’ 4:24 - We’re digging Vanessa Sunshine way more after this episode and he’s not sure how to deal with a woman that’s not all over him 5:14 - Kiss consent. Do you need to ask someone if you want to kiss them? 10:07 - Swag sex…let’s discuss 11:48 - Foreplay - what do you call it? 15:00 - Story lines in reality shows - Tim Dormer gives us an insight after his experience with Big Brother 17:04 - Reality stars staying together to keep their profile alive 21:28 - Let’s discuss Cass, everyone is liking her