The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 95: Posse Member Bec Asks Emma Isaacs How To Continue When You Feel Like A Failure



On EP 95: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia are joined by Business Chicks Founder/CEO Emma Isaacs who answers a question from Posse Member Bec. 6:10 - TG Posse Member Bec asks Emma “how do you pull yourself out of a slum after you feel like you’ve failed?” 7:13 - Emma says watch your self talk like a hawk! It’s important! 7:33 - Speaking to someone and airing your thoughts / concerns whether that be a therapist / business coach etc. 10:11 - Having the right people around you to keep you energised and not sitting in the negative 11:00 - Self worth coming from other things not just your work 12:49 - The key is to give and be of service to people when you’re feeling down or lost The full chat with Emma Isaacs yesterday. Listen HERE Here’s how to subscribe to The Thinkergirls Pod Channel so you never miss an ep! Suss HERE Check out Emma’s new book ‘Winging It’